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Yes! They are vegan, non-GMO and organic.

Most of our products are safe to use during pregnancy, but we would advise to avoid Matcha Power if you want to go without caffeine - and we recommend that you consult with your doctor before buying any of our products.

Our kid-friendly mixes (without adaptogens) are: Green BoostBerry Glow & Collagen Kiss. These are also safe and excellent supplements while pregnant or breast-feeding.

We advise to use half the recommended portion for kids.

Only our Matcha Power mix.

Yes! Our protein powders and meal shakes taste really good with just water and ice, and the superfood mixes taste great in smoothies or just with plant milk if you need some sweetness.

No, we do not add any sugar. All sugars in our mixes are 100% natural.

We fill our cans by weight and not volume, meaning we do not fill our cans to the top. Depending on the weight, the can will be filled to a different level.

The cans are also higher in height than the fill level due to the fact that the machinery used to fill the cans needs the space to be able to fill effectively.

Also, we don't use any artificial filler ingredients to bulk the powders up, as the intended product is to be pure and clean (and more bioavailable for the body).

The amount of grams you receive will always correspond to the total amount of serving sizes listed on the back of each product.